Epicardio Simulation™ customised for Medtronic EPG external temporary pacing devices
VirtualEPG app on Medtronic Academy and on AppStore and GooglePlay
Epicardio Simulation™ – ECG v1.0
First product on the market
“Heart Simulator for Training and Diagnosis Support”
Prototype Development project backed by a Technology Strategy Board (Innovate UK) SMART R&D Grant
“Real-time Simulation of Cardiac Electrophysiology for Medical Training and Diagnosis Support”
Proof of Concept project backed by a Technology Strategy Board (Innovate UK) SMART R&D Grant
Epicardio Ltd start up
Bench-top prototype of Epicardio Simulation based on early publication: “Virtual Heart: Simulation-based Cardiac Physiology for Education” V. Hurmusiadis, Computing in Cardiology 2007, Durham NC, USA.